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Edge. The sword...

Edge. The sword...

The broadest definition, edge computing are processes that run closer to the user. Many meetups ago, developers debated if this was in the device (e.g. mobile, desktop) or at the Content Delivery Network servers. The debate was intense, and both arguments were valid.

Then we moved to the next question “How to harness that compute power?”.

In power, both are limitless, but in terms of cost, they are asymmetrical. At the CDN the owner pays, although when run at the device is the cost of the requester. The first costs money and the second roughly costs energy.

From this starts the approach of the hybrid-edge, where a data payload moves up and downstream, and data manipulation executes more efficiently for cost and computing power.

The conditions are unique both run the same javascript engine V8 and service workers, and code runs in both with minor tweaks.

They are part of the same melee weapon, the sword, the false edge, the CDN, and the edge, the device.